
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cheesy Changing Portraits

Every year, about this time, merchants start stocking their Halloween items.  The Dollar Store is usually the first.  At the end of the season, the vendors all deeply discount their wares to move them out of the store.  That's when I like to shop.  The selection isn't very good but you can't beat the price.

Every so often I have purchased some of the silly changing portraits.  These are cheesy, come in plastic vacuum formed frames etc...  The portraits are pretty cool though, it's just the presentation that suffers.  The portraits look normal if you look at them straight on, but as soon as you move one direction or another they change to horrible monsters.

Straight on view
Viewed at an angle
For years I never bought any of these because the presentation was so poor, but the deep discount was so good that I finally succumbed to the temptation and picked some up.  I'm a designer, though and I couldn't abide the poor presentation.  I picked up some pretty decent looking picture frames from the local thrift store and reframed the portraits to make them look a little more legit. 

Cool thrift store frames
In my home, during the month of October, it is my wish to have one wall that has a number of these portraits mingled with portraits of my family, but photoshopped to look as if they were old photographs.  That way, people would be taken by surprise when some of the photos suddenly shifted. 

A good start

1 comment:

  1. Lol! Nice to see that they are finally getting put INTO the picture frames! :P
