
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gallery of oddball props

I have been a professional properties master at the regional theatre level, I put myself through college as a properties master, and now that I'm a college professor, I teach a properties class.  Here are some examples of prop work I have done.  Some of it is for the class, some of it is for plays, some of it is for Halloween, and some of it is just for fun.

You can click on the images for bigger pictures.

Sven Forkbeard-Prop head I made for demonstration in my props class last semester.
I used a modified "skullandbone" technique.  The tutorial for this can be found online at
Sven-Showing cause of death

The Book of Count-This is a joint project.  We built this book for the play, "Everyman".  Jules Isaacs built the insides and I did the cover detail, build up, leafing, nailheads, painting etc...  The book was built on the "Magic Coloring Book" premise.  When Everyman looked through the book at the beginning, it was blank, but after he had scourged himself and repented of his sins, he opened it and all the pages were full.  It caused some ooh's and aah's from the audience, because he did it in full view and the book never left the stage.  pretty cool effect.

A full sized Bucky corpse that I did for the pirate themed Halloween concert at the University I teach at.  They offered me cash, I took the skeletons!

The other full sized Bucky skeleton for the Halloween concert.  This one lives in my office and mysteriously finds himself in my office chair, or hanging in the elevator from time to time.  I don't know how that happens, but every now and then I get a note from the custodial crew...

A grail I made with a student for the play, "Everyman".  We used a technique that I came up with.  Basically you frankenstein a brass bowl and a brass candlestick together.  This one we silver leafed.

A few more grails, some more elaborate than others.  It's my goal to have as many grails as the knight in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" by the time I retire.

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